What OUTSTANDING learning experiences you provided our learners this week! Twitter alone was overflowing with evidence of your talented design! THANK YOU! We are so proud of the work that is happening with each house's CBL and are even more excited to see the actionable solutions the children come up with. Keep it up!! This next week will be productive as we host our second CBL Planning days. We are looking forward to supporting you.
OUR GUIDING PURPOSE: We empower learners to positively impact the world by designing learning experiences that promote relationships, risk taking, and collaboration in a flexible environment.
Thank you to the Red House designers for posting this purpose in their spaces!
- that you are doing an AWESOME job of taking care of technology issues? You are so good that some of you are not putting in tickets through Zen Desk. I met with technology on Friday and they shared that Zen Desk will validate the need for campus help, so it is imperative that you put questions and requests in through the system. They will filter out to our CTA (Layne), Alli, or Jennifer and show that we NEED these personnel units.
- when you signed your CISD Employee handbook that you are agreed to be responsible for the iPad and MacBook if damages occur? I strongly urge you sign up for insurance to protect you from costly repairs if you drop, spill, or cause other damage to your devices. Here is the company that provides insurance at a reasonable price to us.
- Friday is the last day to submit Super Teacher Nominations for this semester. Turn someone in!
- that the 9.2.1 ioS update is ready? If you haven't already, please have your learners install the update ASAP as well as do this on your teacher devices.
- Lindsay Ayers will be here from 10:00 10:30 each design day to help with community and business outreach and connections? YAY!
This week we will review the academic learning environment. According to our CISD Educator Evaluation System: the educator creates a nurturing, learner-centered environment in which learners gradually construct their own meaning through rigor, prior knowledge, learner interest, and relevance.
- an environment that considers learner emotions, interests, previous experiences, and learning styles
- designs learning experiences that encourage learners to reflect and construct their own meaning
- encourages and respects differences of opinions
- capitalizes on making learning relevant
- collaborates with learners to determine how learning is demonstrated and assessed
Groundhog Spirit Sticks will be on sale on Monday and Tuesday. Please send learners to recess with their dollar. 1, 3, 5 LEEders will sell on Monday and K, 2, 4 on Tuesday. Thanks for encouraging the sale of these. We ordered 400, so we need half of our school to support our sale. Please remind LEEders to wear their shirts on Thursday. We have a meeting at 1:00.
There have been several changes to TELPAS Calibration this year. One of the changes that will directly affect all of us is that TEA is now requiring calibration sessions to be monitored. Please save the date for our K-5 Designer Calibration Session on February 16th beginning at 3:30pm. Please BYOM (Bring Your Own Mac) and HEADPHONES (required) to complete the calibration activities. In addition to the monitored calibration, you will have two chances to pass this year instead of three- Have no fear!! There is good news: In addition to earning 2 professional development hours for the calibration and 5 hours awarded for the K-1 and 2-12 basic training courses (for all of our NEW Designers) you will have SNACKS!LEE NIGHT AT CHS
Friday is our Lee Spirit Night at the CHS Basketball game. Designers get in free with a guest with their ID. Learners get in free by wearing a Lee spirit shirt. We will have 4 of our fifth grade boys serving as "Ball Boys" so, please come out and support the Cowboys!
Our Book Fair will be delivered on Thursday and previews will start on Friday. Please share this website with your parents for online previewing, ordering, and downloading of the Scholastic app. Supporting Book Fair means more books for our school library and YOU!
Please get your items turned in to Todd by Tuesday. The Curriculum Audit team will be here on Wednesday and will walk the building and talk to some of you. We ask for you to be open and honest with them while they visit Lee. Thank you for your fast turn around on these requested items!
Please be sure to have learners check the ‘forgotten lunch’ table in the cafĂ© before purchasing a lunch or going without. Parents drop off lunches at all times during the day and it is frustrating for them to find out that their child never received it.
When a learner calls home…..please be sure that they leave a message and not just hang up. We get a multitude of calls from parents returning a call from our number and the office has no way to determine who called or why.
Loyalty- faithfulness to another
Loyalty- faithfulness to another
"I will speak ill of no man and speak all the good I know of everybody." Benjamin Franklin
If you hear something negative about one of your friends, don't repeat it. If necessary, let an Designer know what was said.
Counselor Appreciation Week
Feb 1: Groundhog Spirit Stick Sale
Feb 2: Groundhog Spirit Stick Sale
Red and Black Attack Shirt & Jeans
Dad's Club Mtg. (7:00)
Red and Black Attack Shirt & Jeans
Dad's Club Mtg. (7:00)
Feb 3: College T-shirt w/ Jeans
Walk at School Wednesday
Geo Bee in 4th and 5th Grade Classes
Curriculum Audit at Lee (8:00-10:30)
Staff Mtg. (3:30)
Feb 4: Spur Savings (7:30-7:50 Cafe)
Green House Music Performance (8:15 and 6:30)
LEEdership Council (1:00)
Campus Tour (4:00)
Feb 5: Geo Bee Final
Book Fair Preview
Lee Night at CHS Basketball (8:00)
Walk at School Wednesday
Geo Bee in 4th and 5th Grade Classes
Curriculum Audit at Lee (8:00-10:30)
Staff Mtg. (3:30)
Feb 4: Spur Savings (7:30-7:50 Cafe)
Green House Music Performance (8:15 and 6:30)
Geo Bee Semi-Finals
Campus Tour (9:15)LEEdership Council (1:00)
Campus Tour (4:00)
Feb 5: Geo Bee Final
Book Fair Preview
Lee Night at CHS Basketball (8:00)