Thursday, August 8, 2024

Week of August 12, 2024

Thank you for a wonderful Back to School Week and for working so well together.  It has been such a great time of togetherness, fun, laughter and productivity. I am so super proud of the work you have accomplished this week and hope that time on Tuesday eases some of the worries or stress you have as you prepare for #rjlyear11. I am over the rainbow with excitement for the year and there is NO PLACE LIKE LEE TO BE!


  • there is a link to responses to our Faculty Favorites in case you want to know your famiLEE members better or surprise them with a treat?  Home addresses are hidden for your privacy.
  • while weather is extreme, you can check here to see how it impacts Recess and PE?
  • communication from CK was sent out to parents about "all things beginning of the year?"  Here is the link if you want to include in your introduction email to parents.  Content is continually added and updated. You will want to read it, too.
  • we had a former nurse whose pet project was those orange Home Depot buckets with supplies in them for emergency purposes?  I still see some of these around the building.  I would like the orange buckets to be collected and given to Music or placed in your house storage rooms, not in your spaces.  Thank you!
  • it is expensive to set up a classroom?  If you need help, CISD allows solicitation through Donor’s Choose through your school email.  If you create an Amazon wishlist to help with your classroom, please use your personal email account and and only share with your friends and family, not famiLEEs.
  • we will use the hashtags #rjlyear11 and #NoPlaceLikeLee this year? Please make it a priority to tell our story. If you don't tell it, who will? Also, as discussed in ethics training, please ask parents in your BOY Google Forms if you can use learner pictures in your newsletters and on social media.
  • badge covers and clips were placed in your mailboxes as well as blank calendars? Kristi and Cathy your badge clips are coming. Lifetouch will send the first round of badges ASAP.
  • PTO is working hard to make their support even more tailored to the needs of the staff!  Please let Angel know if you have specific dietary needs or if you have any suggestions about restaurants or businesses that PTO could partner with for campus events. 

On Friday, you can get into CHS commons area for breakfast starting at 7:30.  The arena will open at 8:15 and we need to be in our seats by 8:30.  Wear your Lee Convocation t-shirt (There's No Place Like Lee) that we gave you on Monday.  It is advised to carpool because traffic is a BEAST when you depart.  The Coppell Ed Foundation will sell their Tuesday t-shirts for $20 at the event.  

Here is the agenda for Friday.

Class lists are starting to be populated in eSchool. Remember these are constantly changing, so please do not make class labels or email until we give you the "all clear."  There is time built in from 12:00-1:00, and then again at 3:00, to get your email scheduled to send out.  We need every minute to verify as many learners as we can. 

All grade level designers will email your welcome to learners and parents to be scheduled to send out by 4:00 PM on Friday, August 9.  We will only send emails to learners who have been verified (their ID box will be green on our class list document that will be emailed to you on Friday).  This system of emailing, individually, is to ensure we get residency verification from EVERY child on your list.  If you send a whole class email through Parent Square, this defeats the purpose of verification. 

Please wear your new Spur mascot shirt we gave you on Friday. We will take a staff picture at 8:00 on the front steps, so please be on time. We will follow that with SpEd, ESL, GT, MLI, and 504 meetings by house. Lunch is on your own and we will meet back in the cafe from 2:15-4:00 for required training. We will provide salads, bread, and cookies for all of you so that you don't have to leave and fight for parking for Meet the Designer Night.

I KNOW you will make Meet the Designer Night memorable for our FamiLEEs.  You only get one chance to make a first impression, and I am certain you all are planning ways to make this memorable for ALL.  I can't wait for the children and their families to see you!  Remember that your room does not have to be PERFECT for Meet the Designer Night, just tidy.  You can stay in your Lee Spirit t-shirt (the one with the mascot on it) for Meet the Designer Night.  Specialists and Specials, please get with Admin so we know where you will be helping on this night.

We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school for an amazing year at LEE! Please come find us in the cafeteria & gym on Meet The Designer Night from 5:30-7:30. We will have all pre-purchased spirit wear and swag bags available for pick up. We will also be selling additional school supply packs, and spirit wear for those who did not get a chance to purchase ahead of time. Make sure to stop at our back to school photo op and grab an ice cream from the Mr. Softee Food Truck right outside the cafeteria doors! We can't wait to see you soon!

Tuesday is an optional telecommute day.  That means you can work electronically, from home, if you choose. The building is accessible, too, for those of you that want to work here.  ENJOY flexibility from CISD on this day.  I will only be on campus in the afternoon.

The first week is about building SOLID and TRUSTING relationships with the children and their famiLEEs.  My expectation for you, this first week, is to ensure that time spent together is SO FUN and EXCITING, that the learners do not want to leave our school. 

Please be here by 7:00 on the first day and come down to the library steps as soon as you arrive to take your "First Day of School" photo.

All learners will be permitted to be walked to class by their parents on the first day.  We open the school doors at 7:20.

Kindergarten parents are welcome to come to the cafeteria to meet with PTO and Campus Administration before they leave.


Please take time to sign up for beginning of the year office visits with each of our Principals and our school counselor.
  • Booking Site for "Meet the Counselor Visits
  • Chantel's sign up for an office visit  (will last about 20 mins)
  • You will get information from Kat and Angel about signing up with them.

It's that time of year again to donate to Social Spurs!  The donations are used to spread sunshine and kindness on behalf of the staff, as well as for the staff.   More information will be shared soon, but for those who are familiar with Social Spurs and would like to donate, you can bring to Linda Hoffmann or Venmo @Linda-Hoffmann-9


As your coach, my title may have changed, but my primary goal is to support you to the best of my abilities.

This is a little intro to my new job description: ​​A Learning Coach serves as a catalyst for educational innovation and excellence within Coppell ISD. This role is centered on collaboratively and systematically equipping educators and administrators at various campuses with the tools, knowledge, and confidence needed to enhance instruction and student learning outcomes. By providing comprehensive support through formal coaching cycles, professional learning, focused leadership responsibilities, and personalized educator support, the Learning Coach will foster a robust professional learning community.

My spreadsheet would still be the same. I have added the names of the LCs that are on duty at Lee at the top. My hope would be that we debrief on Wednesdays so there are no lapses when it comes to meeting your needs. I ask for grace as we transition to this new-ish role and campuses.

Please sign up so we can work together on goal setting, SLOs, classroom management, workflows, transitions or systems.

Let’s collaborate! Sign up so we can work together.

Please add pictures from the Bus Tour to this folder.  Thank you Chantel, Ruby, Rikki, Priscilla!

August 12-  Campus Day
     Meet the Designer Night (5:30-6:30)
August 13- Staff Work Day
August 14-16- Kinder Connect Week
August 14- First Day of School
     PTO Yahoo BooHoo Breakfast (7:30-8:15)
     Kona Ice for Staff (3:20)
August 16- Staff Handbook Signature page due 
August 18- CISD Compliance Due

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