Thursday, August 29, 2024

Week of September 2, 2024

I have enjoyed this first round of Team Time.  Thank you for your efforts to write meaningful and measurable goals for this school year.  Being in so many classrooms this week reminds me of what an incredible staff we have.  The environment you create for our learners is OZsome (see what I did there?).  I hope in the next couple of days you give yourself 60 seconds to stop what you are doing, pause, and look around to celebrate what you have accomplished so far.  YOU ARE AMAZING AND CARED FOR SO VERY MUCH!  We could not be more pleased with the first two and a half weeks of school and what you are part of creating at Lee!!!  Have an incredible L-O-N-G weekend!

  • that there is a calendar for learning coaches?  Here it is.  Also check out the visual on the fridge in the lounge to let you know who is here.
  • that it is better to call 911 on your cell phone if there is an emergency?  This will route your call to the correct service providers.  You have a better chance of quick response time when NOT using Teams.
  • if you are having any trouble with Raptor and you have AT&T, see Angel?  
The first Wednesday of every month we celebrate higher education.  We encourage our learners and staff to wear college shirts on these days.  See you in your college gear on Wednesday.

Thank you for welcoming our FamiLEEs to your spaces and to Specials and Support Staff for directing parents where to go.  This is your second impression with your FamiLEEs, so make sure your space is tidy, learner work is displayed and there is evidence of the great teaching that has occurred these first few weeks.  Grade leaders, please share your FAQ documents with me.  I will look over for approval and make sure there is a quick turnaround.   Don't forget to share your presentation (including speaker notes for those who don't attend) in the next week's newsletter.  We will open front doors at 5:15 on Thursday evening. You can dress casual for the school day, but please wear professional dress for Curriculum Night. Please send this to your parents:  We will open front and back doors at 5:15 so you are in  your seats ready for presentations promptly at 5:30.  This is not a come and go event,  you will want to be on time and attend the entire session to learn more about the upcoming year and campus/classroom procedures. This also gives you the opportunity to meet other parents.  See you there!

Could you PLEASE update your PTO slide in your slide decks?  I just got this from PTO Wednesday night.  I apologize for the late notice after some of you have completed your presentations.

For those who are wondering what House Funds are - these are what other schools often call “classroom funds”. However, instead of collecting money in each class, we share the love throughout the entire school allowing celebrations to be experienced equally by everyone. Throughout the year, we use this fund to support our Winter and Valentine parties, and show our appreciation to the Designers and Staff on their birthdays, during the holidays, and for Teacher Appreciation week. Each year our celebration expenses are about $13,000, and currently we have raised less than 50% of that. If you have not yet made a contribution, we ask that you please consider donating today. We are beyond grateful for your support of our incredible school FamiLEE.

Can you spare a couple of hours away from the office or your other commitments? We need a few more folks to jump in and help foster young readers while raising money for the library!! Please sign up here if you can:

We still have a few final slots open for Room Parent in some classes; please consider signing up or encouraging your network to do so if they are in these classes! This role can be tailored to what works for you and your class. The classes that still need at least one parent to volunteer are below. Find out more, and sign up here!
  • Green K, 1, 3A, & 5

  • Red K & 1

  • Yellow K & 1

ATTENDANCE (Share in your newsletters)
Keep your child up-to-date on scheduled vaccinations and regular medical checkups! Healthy kids support healthy classrooms! Let's all do our part to Start Strong.

We are excited that we now have our 2024-2025 budget dollars to order what you need to work with your learners.  Part of my role is to make sure you have the supplies you need to do your job.  Please try to plan ahead so that you do not have to spend personal funds on supplies.  Also, be thinking about items we need to add to house storage closets (like manipulatives, science tools, etc.) and write up a PO and put it in my box.  Remember that it will take a couple of weeks to process, approve, and ship.  Please do not turn in a PO unless you have verified that your order is from an approved vendor.  In addition, if you are ordering from Amazon, a copy of the links should be emailed to Tara.  For those of you that already put POs in my box for this year, they will be processed this week.  Reminder from our Lee Staff Handbook:  

When ordering from approved vendors like Amazon, Office Depot, Barnes and Noble, Really Good Stuff, Dick Blick, Staples, Michaels, School Specialty, and Lakeshore, copy the link of each item and email links to the Principal’s secretary along with submitting a paper copy of the Purchase Order form to the Principal. This will speed up the ordering process.

If you are ordering from another vendor (not online) a quote is required, so please request one before you complete a paper copy of the Purchase Order form and place it in the principal’s mailbox.

If you haven't done so already, please email a photo of your respect agreement to Kat and Angel so that they can put it in the office Discipline Binder.  We will refer to your respect agreements when learners have behavior reflections.  Remember that there should only be 3-4 bulleted expectations in each quadrant.  

The CISD Assessment Department is in the process of adding user accounts and class rosters to Cambium for all teachers with courses that have students assigned to them in eSchool. This will allow teachers to see historical state assessment data including individual responses to the Extended Constructed Response questions.. On Tuesday, September 3rd, a file will be uploaded to the state testing system to create user accounts for teachers.

New teachers - When the staff upload file is submitted to Cambium all new teachers will receive an email from Cambium notifying them of steps needed to complete the account creation process. Please be advised that this email from Cambium is not phishing. Once you have finished the steps in the account creation email, then there is nothing else that you need to do at this time. You will not be able to see any data in CRS for your students until the roster upload process has been completed. A separate communication will be sent when rosters have been uploaded.

Returning Teachers - If you are a returning teacher, then you already have a user account for Cambium. When you login for the first time this school year, you will need to select the "Reset Password" link on the login screen. An email will be sent to reset your password. Be advised that this email may be caught up in the Mimecast filtering system. You may follow these step-by-step instructions to login and reset your password for this school year. Once you have reset your password, then there is nothing else that you need to do at this time. You will not be able to see any data in CRS for your students until the roster upload process has been completed. A separate communication will be sent when rosters have been uploaded.

After rosters have been uploaded, further communication will be sent with instructions for accessing state assessment data in the Central Reporting System for your students.

If you would like to support Coppell Special Olympics, they are selling t-shirts to staff and community.  Scan the QR Code to order yours.


We will be in your spaces to give you feedback regarding Domain 3.1 Learning Environment (Classroom Routines and Procedures) We will be looking for:

    • Current character trait posted

    • Daily Schedule 

    • What is on your magnet wall 

    • “I Can” statements posted

    • Anchor Charts in all subject areas

    • Math and Science manipulatives and supplies accessible to learners

    • Each learner has a designated place for their supplies

    • Respect Agreement visible

    • Digital Citizenship Contract signed and displayed

    • Learner Work displayed

    • Guiding Purpose hung

    • Effective Routines, transitions, and procedures in place

    • How you manage learner groups and supplies



Thank you so much for your flexibility in meeting with me on Monday instead of Thursday. I appreciate all of you for following the MAP schedule. Please know I am open to feedback now that you have lived it for BOY assessments. 

NWEA MAP has updated their linking studies. You will see changes in both Reading and Mathematics. NWEA MAP does not provide traditional "cut scores;” rather, they provide a nationally normed target mean score. NWEA MAP is to be used as one data point in concert with other data points to determine the best instruction for a child. Educators should respond with appropriate instruction. 


In the lounge, on the middle refrigerator, you should see a page that looks like this. 

We will update it with a magnetic arrow so you know who is on campus that day.


A great tool for emergent bilingual learners is the ability to use text to speech on documents and articles on the iPad.  Check out the link for a tutorial showing how to utilize and easily set this up.   Click this link for a video tutorial.

     Charlene's Birthday
Sept 4- College Shirt Day
Sept 5- Curriculum Night (5:30-6:30)
Sept 6- Spirit Shirt Day

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Week of August 26, 2024

WOW!  You made it through the second week of school and I could not be more pleased with the stellar job you have all done.  We are so super proud of you for your creativity, collaboration and heart.  You have done an incredible job of supporting your learners, their parents, and each other.  Thank you for your weekly communication, already.  I am impressed with the way some of you are using Bulb, S'more, Twitter, and Parent Square to keep our FamiLEEs engaged. YOU make our school look SO GOOD in the community, and I thank you so much for that.  We have loved having class visits through the office and it is an awesome way to see each class and your individual needs.  We are here for YOU!  Have a fabulous Friday and weekend.  Please REST.  You deserve it!
  • Friday is Day 1 and First Grade's Team Time day?  See you in the conference room.  Samira will be there, too.  GT, LAS, Holly please attend Team Time, when possible.
  • elementary learner cell phones and smart watches should remain in backpacks during the school day?  This was discussed in our Principal's meeting on Tuesday. Please enforce with our learners.  This will also be in the district newsletter and shared with FamiLEEs at Curriculum Night.
  • you need to make sure to sign your CISD Employee Handbook in Laserfiche?  If you don't you will keep getting email reminders until you do. 
  • Angela was bragging about the open dialogue our staff has had with her with concerns about learners?  Way to put your back to school training into action!  We appreciate you!

ATTENDANCE (Share in your newsletters)

Good school attendance is a significant predictor of academic growth! Research shows that students who are present and engaged learn more. Plus, our state allocates funds based on student success, making daily attendance a crucial factor. Let's ensure every day counts for our students' success!

Please sign up here for your BOY meeting- they start IN TWO WEEKS.  We will work on your SLO goals during your first Team Time.   We are excited to support you and your growth.  If Kat is your evaluator, PLEASE sign up on a day she is here and please leave 8:00 and 8:20 blocks for Specials teachers. Paras and office staff, please sign up on the day indicated.  Bring your laptop to the large conference room for your meeting, and please make sure you add your goals to your Bulb and Power School before we meet.  ALL campus employees must sign up for a meeting. 

Did you get a chance to reach out and make your happy calls?  If you didn't, remember it is an expectation to pick up the phone and call EVERY family.  Special Education, LAS, and Specials Team, please make some calls, too.  Thank you for depositing in their emotional bank accounts!  You may be surprised how much sunshine it brings YOU when you make these calls.  Remember to document positive calls in Panorama.  If it isn't documented, it didn't happen. 

Thank you for working as a grade on your Curriculum Night presentations.  Please make sure you share your presentation with Admin before the event and have the FAQ questions and answers approved by Chantel BEFORE sending home to parents after the event.  It is SUPER IMPORTANT these answers are consistent.  

CISD has requested that you add these three slides to your Curriculum Night Presentations.  


We will be in your spaces to give you feedback regarding Domain 3.1 Learning Environment (Classroom Routines and Procedures) We will be looking for:

    • Current character trait posted

    • Daily Schedule 

    • What is on your magnet wall 

    • “I Can” statements posted

    • Anchor Charts in all subject areas

    • Math and Science manipulatives and supplies accessible to learners

    • Each learner has a designated place for their supplies

    • Respect Agreement visible

    • Digital Citizenship Contract signed and displayed

    • Learner Work displayed

    • Guiding Purpose hung

    • Effective Routines, transitions, and procedures in place

    • How you manage learner groups and supplies

TEACHERS ON THE RISE (Share in your newsletters)
Nominations are now open for the 2024-2025 Teachers On The Rise Program, sponsored by Market Street Supermarkets and Mrs. Baird's Bread! This program celebrates outstanding North Texas educators each month, and we need your help to honor our amazing teachers. Families and students can nominate their favorite teachers, and both the winning teachers and their nominators will receive great prizes. Submit your nominations today at and help us recognize the incredible impact our teachers have on our community.

PTO UPDATES (Share in your newsletters)
Please consider signing up to be the Room Parent for our class! This role can be tailored to what works for you and our class. I’m hoping to have at least one parent or more to partner with throughout the year. Find out more, and sign up here!

We still need over ten more volunteer slots filled to make our Fall book fair a success!  This is one of the first onsite volunteer opportunities of the year and a great way to get involved and foster young readers!  Please sign up here if you can!  Reminder, if you plan to volunteer for this or any other future events, complete your yearly required CISD Background Check asap here

We are accepting donations for our annual House Fund now through September 10th. We use these funds to support a variety of celebrations throughout the year. We have currently raised 60% of the funds needed to support all our celebrations planned this year. If you have not yet contributed, please consider donating today. Your support is greatly appreciated!


If you want your flu and vaccines, mark your calendar.  Annah will send a reminder email closer to the event.

We will have an evacuation drill this week.  Please make sure, by Monday, that Raptor is on your phone or iPad.  If you need help, please see Angel.  It helps to remember when we evacuate:
  • classroom doors should be closed
  • learners should exit at level zero and sit at level zero looking away from the building
  • staff should be at level zero, too
  • please help check in learners when you have a sub in your house
  • mark yourself safe- you always think of the kids first and sometimes you forget about this step


Did you know Microsoft Translate is our official app for any translating we do at CISD? Click this link to access educator information.  Check out this One Pager for some great tutorials and additional information.  Please let me know if you have any questions. -Kara 



I will be meeting with houses on Monday, August 26th, to set up MAP sessions and go over mClass set up. Let’s plan to meet in a closed space with a Vivitek so we can follow along the steps of setting up sessions. I will also bring all the mClass testing papers with me. 


It is time to elect a representative from each class. I am excited to begin working with the new LEEdership Council. Here’s a timeline of events:

Introduce elections in newsletters: August 23rd, 2024

Campaign week: September 16-20th, 2024 (Depending on how many candidates you have, you could pick one day or multiple days.)

Election Day: September 19th, 2024

Deadline to submit Google Form with the information about Class Leader: September 20th, 2024

Please send the following information to your parents and learners through the weekly newsletter:

Our class will be electing a LEEdership Council representative on Thursday, September 19th, 2024.  This learner will meet with Mrs. Samira Khan throughout the school year during normal hours to develop their leadership skills and voice on campus. 

This person must be a strong communicator, confident about sharing their thoughts and ideas, respected by their peers, and be elected. Please discuss this role with your learner to see if they have an interest in campaigning.  If your child does want to run, we’ll refer to him/her as a candidate.  As they "run" for this position, please abide by these guidelines:

  1. Candidates may create a campaign video or prepare a speech to speak in front of the class. Make sure you:

    1. Introduce yourself

    2. Share why you would be the best candidate for this position

    3. Share what you will do to make Lee Elementary a better place

    4. Speak for 2 minutes or less. 

  2. OPTIONAL: Campaign poster 

  3. If your child is in 5th grade and was elected in grades Kinder through 2nd, they may run to be a class representative again this year. 

Good luck! 

May the best candidate win.



August 27- Sam's Birthday
     World Rock Paper Scissors Day (have an epic battle as a class???)
August 28- Staff Meeting (3:15-4:45 Cafe)
Sept 2- Happy Calls Due