Thursday, September 16, 2021

Week of September 20, 2021

Thank you for all of the flexibility this week.  I know it was a challenge being short on subs and changing duties.  We could not have done it without the help of so many of your stepping in.  THANK YOU!  Two different times this week, visitors stopped me to say that they were on our campus and the positive vibe they get from you all.  One was a substitute and one was a DLC.  That says a LOT with all that is going on.  Thank you for being the amazing staff that you are and for staying positive through the ongoing changes.  You all continue to make me SO PROUD to be your principal!  CHEERS TO YOU!

  • if you did not receive an air purifier for your space, I need to know, immediately?  We still have one that should be in a space.  Please say something to CK before leaving on Friday.
  • that you can share YouTube videos with your learners and eliminate pop up ads?  All you do is go to the web address, type in _popup right before the question mark in the web address. VOILA!  Thanks for showing us this trick last year, Layne!
  • you can help our school garden by brining your kitchen scraps to school?  Keiko will have a container under the growing table that you can put kitchen scraps in.  She will pick up the scraps before 10AM on Friday and add them to the compost pile. 
  • our outdoor FamiLEE Movie Night was moved to October 15 and now is moved to the Spring?  PTO has cancelled the Fall Dance for this year that was scheduled for October 22, too.  
  • your LEEdership names are due on this Google Form, tomorrow, Friday?

Book Fair opens on Monday. Did you know that when you shop at the Book Fair that 25% is shared back with our RJL Library?  These funds help us buy more books and items for our library.  No need to send your child to school with cash, set up your e-wallet. This video will show you how and this link will take you to the online RJL book fair.

Please remind parents to let you know if their learner has food allergies or medical concerns.  We have had a few cases of "finding out" and we don't have the information in our clinic.  If you learn of any learners, please share the information with Annah so we can double check that parents have turned in information to the clinic.  THANK YOU!

Lee PTO is hosting their first Spirit Night on Tuesday, September 28, at Torchy's Tacos!  Enjoy Taco Tuesday, your way all day, dine-in or takeout (online orders do not count)!  You must show this flyer for Lee PTO to get credit.  Thank you for your support!  Special Treat:  You have permission to leave campus to pick up lunch on Tuesday if you participate in this fundraiser. 

Please consider donating directly here.  If you are interested in volunteering as a Room Parent, please contact Sweetha Sammeta at

Each grading period, CISD recognizes Super Teachers, who design engaging and innovative learning experiences that ignite the interests of learners. Know someone who should be recognized as a Super Teacher?  If so, please nominate these dedicated individuals by visiting Teacher nominations are due Oct. 1. 


What do you do when your learners already know it? This question is one that is often asked and sometimes overlooked.  I have designed an extension course in Schoology for you to access and use as you see fit. This course is not complete and will be a “living course” with frequent additions.  All classroom teachers have been added to the course and should appear in Schoology. The math extensions align with your scope and sequence and are divided into each of the 4 quarters.  Please reach out if you would like me to roll out an extension to a small group or need any support!


As you start to plan your fall conferences, keep in mind that October 7 is an early release day.  The half day afternoon can be used to complete your grades and comments for the first nine weeks report cards and for and any extra planning you need to do for the October 8 Conference Day.  Please send home parent sign ups, now, for Fall Conferences and set up time in your schedules for both face to face and virtual options.  I would keep face to face conferences to 15 minutes and have your air purifier next to you.   Please let our Admin Team, Angela, or Samira know if you need us to sit in on any of your conferences.


Please share with parents.  Our garden needs milk jugs (or 1-gallon water jugs) to make a plant guard from animals and tofu containers to make plant labels. If you could bring them to the school, that would be great. Please put them in the box at the front or the back entrance shown in the flyer.  If you have any questions, please email Keiko at


Instructional Strategy | Movement |Learning Loops


  1. One-half of the class forms a loop facing out; the other half forms a loop facing in.

  2. Inside-loop students each have a different question card, important word, or interesting visual for their partner to answer, describe, or explain.

  3. Inside-loop presents their card, outside-loop partner responds, then inside praises or prompts.

  4. At the teacher’s signal, the outside circle rotates one person to the left.

  5. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many rounds as the teacher determines appropriate.

  6. Inside-loop gives outside-loop their question cards, and the process repeats with the inside-loop rotating this time.

  7. Teacher sees and hears the students’ thinking and clarifies/verifies as appropriate.


Helpful Hints:

  • Hand sanitize before and after participating.

  • Move desks to the perimeter of the room or consider doing the strategy outside.

  • Before the activity, students write the correct response on the back of their assigned card, and answers are verified by peer or teacher.



  • terms, questions, or visual cards for the inside-circle students

Let me know how it goes. Please use this link to book a time with me so we can collaborate.


Use Adapted Text

Some students will need adapted texts. These are texts that differ slightly from the text the native English speakers may be reading. The text is less strenuous on students who are learning English yet provide them with the same content. You can find great, FREE adapted text from websites like What I love about adapted texts is that they look very similar to the regular text so students can’t see that anyone is getting a different form of the text. ELs don’t feel singled out and no one notices that ELs are receiving text that is different.


Want to gamify your vocabulary instruction? Check out Pear Deck Flashcard Factory!  The best part, It's easy and fun! Simply create a list of vocabulary words with definitions. Once you get the set you are ready to play! Students will be paired up; one will create a visual image and the other a description of the word. Once done, the cards will go to Quality Control (you) where you can approve or decline their submission. Once you have enough cards, you can print the cards off for review or play Gimkit with the set. Want to learn more? Click here to watch the video or contact your DLC!

Sept 21- Ed Foundation Shirt and Jeans
Sept 22- House Shirt and Jeans
     Staff Meeting (3:15-4:45)
Sept 23- Layne's Birthday
     BEAM Meet Up

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