Thursday, September 5, 2024

Week of September 9, 2024

What a fabulous week it's been, participating in beginning-of-the-year goal setting with so many of you! Angel, Kat, and I are incredibly impressed with the thoughtful reflection and goal-setting ideas you've each brought to the table. We look forward to supporting you on your journey. THANK YOU for embracing a growth mindset and continually pushing yourselves as professionals.  As a token of my appreciation for all your hard work, I am having pizza delivered after school for those who want something to eat before Curriculum Night. Enjoy, and love to you all!

  • you should always wear your badge/ID and close doors and turn off lights when you leave spaces?  CISD Safety Audits will begin, soon.   
  • if a student needs to be in the library during recess, that you need to contact Holly to let her know?  They should check in with her when they arrive.  She is not in the media center between 11:30 and 12:00, so if you have a learner during that time, please send them to the office or clinic for supervision.

Your child will be previewing the book fair and will be coming home with a “wish list” of books they would like to purchase.  Please consider helping your child participate if you are able and sending money or filling up their Scholastic E-Wallet.  If you’re new to the Book Fair, we created this FAQ document to provide more info! 

Our first Virtual PTO Meeting of the year is coming up Tuesday, September 10, at 6pm. A Zoom link will be sent through Parent Square on Tuesday. Please come join us for important updates from your PTO Team and Principal about the year ahead! We are looking forward to seeing you all there!

We invite you to stop by and have lunch with your learner on Thursday, September 12.  After having lunch, you are welcome to shop at our Scholastic Book Fair in our media center.  Please sign up here to help us prepare for this special day.  We will have name tags prepared for you ahead of time so you can quickly check in and avoid waiting in a long line.  


    • ALL LEARNERS should have their picture as their background on their home screen so we can easily identify the owner of the iPad.  They should not create their own designs or put pictures of anything else as their home screen. 
    • Learners should only take pictures and videos as instructed to do so in class.  The iPad is not a personal photo album for them, and we should not see pictures and videos from home on their iPad that do not relate to a school assignment.  
    • Learners should be reminded that there is a filter on the iPad and that whatever they do can be re-traced and reported.  School digital citizenship expectations apply, at all times, when learners are using their school iPads.  Learners should not erase their history and we will do random history checks to hold them accountable. 
    • If learners damage their iPad, their case, headphones, or charger, they will be financially responsible for the damage.  
    • Learners must carry iPads with two hands and "hug them to their chest" when they are walking with them.
    • Learners should never leave an iPad on the floor.
    • Learners should not be eating their snacks and using sticky or dirty fingers to work on their iPad. (I am seeing a great deal of this)  
    • iPads are not permitted to be used on the bus.  They should remain in learner backpacks.
    • Learners leaving for extended travel are to leave their iPad and charger at school for when they return. 
    • Any parent/guardian that would prefer that their learner iPad and charger remain at school, should communicate with the Designer.  We are happy to keep it safe and charged for your child. (remind this at Curriculum Night)

ATTENDANCE (Share in your newsletters)

Pro Parenting Tip: Schedule dentist and doctor appointments outside of school hours or choose afternoon slots so your child doesn't have to miss school. Every day counts! Thank you for supporting your child's education and helping us maintain strong attendance. Together, we can make a difference!



Campaign week: September 16-20th, 2024 (Depending on how many candidates you have, you could pick one day or multiple days.)

Election Day: September 19th, 2024

Deadline to submit Google Form with the information about Class Leader: September 20th, 2024

Please send the following information to your parents and learners through the weekly newsletter:

Our class will be electing a LEEdership Council representative on Thursday, September 19th, 2024.  This learner will meet with Mrs. Samira Khan throughout the school year during normal hours to develop their leadership skills and voice on campus. 

This person must be a strong communicator, confident about sharing their thoughts and ideas, respected by their peers, and be elected. Please discuss this role with your learner to see if they have an interest in campaigning.  If your child does want to run, we’ll refer to him/her as a candidate.  As they "run" for this position, please abide by these guidelines:

  1. Candidates may create a campaign video or prepare a speech to speak in front of the class. Make sure you:

    1. Introduce yourself

    2. Share why you would be the best candidate for this position

    3. Share what you will do to make Lee Elementary a better place

    4. Speak for 2 minutes or less. 

  2. OPTIONAL: Campaign poster 

  3. If your child is in 5th grade and was elected in grades Kinder through 2nd, they may run to be a class representative again this year. 

Good luck! 

May the best candidate win.

Here at Lee we use House Funds, what other schools often call “classroom funds”. However, instead of collecting money in each class, we share the love throughout the entire school allowing celebrations to be experienced equally by everyone. Throughout the year, we use this fund to support our Winter and Valentine parties, and show our appreciation to the Designers and Staff on their birthdays, during the holidays, and for Teacher Appreciation week.  Each year our celebration expenses are about $13,000, and currently we have raised only about 50%. If you have not yet made a contribution, we ask that you please consider donating today. We are beyond grateful for your support of our incredible school FamiLEE.

We will offer CPR class on September 18 during Flex Learning.  Please let Annah know if you plan to attend.


We will be in your spaces to give you feedback regarding Domain 3.1 Learning Environment (Classroom Routines and Procedures) We will be looking for:

    • Current character trait posted

    • Daily Schedule 

    • What is on your magnet wall 

    • “I Can” statements posted

    • Anchor Charts in all subject areas

    • Math and Science manipulatives and supplies accessible to learners

    • Each learner has a designated place for their supplies

    • Respect Agreement visible

    • Digital Citizenship Contract signed and displayed

    • Learner Work displayed

    • Guiding Purpose hung

    • Effective Routines, transitions, and procedures in place

    • How you manage learner groups and supplies


Do you keep a parent communication log?  This is a good idea for both positive and not so positive conversations.  In education: if it is not documented, it didn't happen. Panorama is the PERFECT PLACE to document parent communication.  Also, think about picking up the phone (instead of emailing) when you have an issue that could potentially escalate.  We have a caring staff, and typically if there are issues, it is due to miscommunication.  When a parent has your listening ear and hears your voice on the other end showing concern, most problems will be solved.  Please always inform Admin if you have a "tricky" conversation.


Thank you for allowing us to crash your House Time today. I just wanted to share what we talked about. We were informed of a few changes to the mClass Intervention system on Friday. Here are the changes:

  1. When recommending learners for MTSS, we should consider all data points such as: mClass, MAP, DRA or F&P levels, struggles with writing, general academic/behavioral performance in class.

  2. You have two options when it come to learners who are showing up as RED OR YELLOW:

    • Option 1: Group below or well below students using mCLASS Intervention. Generate the lesson sets. Do the lesson sets with fidelity. Progress Monitor every 8-10 lessons. Generate the next lesson set. 

    • Option 2: Group below or well below students using mCLASS Intervention. Note the focus skill(s) of the group. Use the lessons from the Instruction tab aligned with that focus skill(s). Progress monitor every week or every other week.

  3. Progress monitoring for learners who are showing up as Red or Yellow MUST BE completed in mClass Amplify. All progress monitoring resources are in our mClass Schoology Course.

Please reach out to your learning coaches if you have further questions.


Did you know that Adult ESL classes for our learner’s families start this week?  Your very own Lee LAS will be co-teaching Adult ESL at Wilson Elementary on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:00 PM.  A second class is offered on Thursday evenings at CMS East from 5:30-7:00PM.  Please share this with any of our families that might be interested and benefit from adult English classes.  Let me know if you would like a brochure to send communication with more details. 


Sept 10- Virtual PTO Meeting (6:00)
Sept 11- Susie's Birthday
     TX First Responders Day
     Cub Scouts visit during lunch times
     Leadership Meeting (3:15 Yellow House)
     Cub Scout Recruitment Night (7:00)
Sept 12- Special Friends Day
Sept 13- Digital Citizenship Lessons Due 

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