What an incredible staff you are. I am so impressed that after a long day of work that you were so attentive and eager to learn how to serve our limited and non-English speaking learners. Thank you Alex and Corinne for taking the lead and showing us best practices and clearing up misconceptions. I can't wait to see you put into practice what your learned. Thank you for preparing to host your learner-led conferences. I know you have all spent a great deal of time preparing with your learners. What a great time to build connections with your familLEEs. I want you to know I appreciate all of your hard work to communicate the strengths and areas for growth on each child. If a parent did not attend the conference on the designated days, please do your best to set up an alternative time/method to review data with them.
- your design days are coming up SOON (Nov 1-3) We can't wait to give you half a day of time, as a GRADE, to long range plan together? I have adjusted the campus calendar with your grade level days so you know when you will have a sub. These will be HOUSE design days in January.
- I will be hosting a 30 minute Twitter Chat for Apple tonight at 8:00? If you are interested in joining, follow #AppleEDULeaderChat at 8:00. I would love to see you on. Here are the questions we will discuss:
- Q1: What are some ways you nurture partnerships with families and extended community?Q2: Share an example of a successful community partnership.Q3: In what ways does technology help you partner with families and the extended community?Q4: What are some outcomes of nurturing partnerships with families and extended community?
Our class will be electing a LEEdership Council representative Wednesday, October 26th, 2022. This learner will meet with Mrs. Samira Khan throughout the school year during normal hours to develop their leadership skills and voice on campus.
This person must be a strong communicator, confident about sharing their thoughts and ideas, respected by their peers, and be elected. Please discuss this role with your learner to see if they have an interest in campaigning. If your child does want to run, we’ll refer to him/her as a candidate. As they "run" for this position, please abide by these guidelines:
- Candidates will create a Clips video as a campaign video. Make sure you address:
a. Who are you?
b. Why are you the best candidate for this position?
c. What is your campaign promise? What will you do to make Lee Elementary a better place?
- If your child is in 5th grade and was elected in grades Kinder through 2nd, they may run to be a class representative again this year.
Good luck!
May the best candidate win.
Write a Check starts this week. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so it is imperative that you talk up this three week event with our learners so their parents will participate. We will updated you on Morning broadcast with teacher and house leaders. Our goal is $25,000.
Don't forget to read feedback and sign off on your first walkthrough. For this month, we will be giving you feedback on Domain 2.4: Differentiation. These observations go so well with our campus goal of formative assessment and small group instruction. We will be looking for:
- Individualized Lessons
- Monitoring participation and performance
- Recognizing confusion and disengagement
- Addressing the SEL needs of learners
- Strategies used to meet the needs of special education and EB learners
October 14th is the day our district will recognize dyslexia awareness by wearing red! The program that CISD uses for MLI is called Take Flight, written by Scottish Rite Hospital. In MLI, each lesson is presented in a predictable, systematic way where we use our senses to help solidify what we have learned. Using your senses helps make the abstract more concrete by changing sequences into movements. Below is a chart of letter patterns where hand movements are used to help our learners remember what they are.
The nomination period for CEF Superstars is currently open! The deadline for the 1st round of the Super Star program is Friday, December 2, 2022. The program is designed to give parents and CISD staff an opportunity to recognize the dedicated and hardworking students, teachers, administrators, and support staff within the district. Parent can nominate any CISD staff member at their campus that they would like to be considered for the award. Student nominations will be submitted by CISD staff. Awards will be given out twice per year, and the winner names will be ready for announcement starting Friday, December 9. Link to Nomination Form
Make words come alive using Keynote animation! The next time you have new vocabulary to introduce, consider allowing learners to create an animation to show their understanding! Check out this article from the DLC bulb for more details!
Let’s collaborate! Sign up so we can work together.
Value ALL Language and Literacy. Many teachers will say that they value languages and literacy but how can we quantify that belief in our daily work with students? Actions speak louder than words, right?
Learn a few words in students’ primary languages
Use students’ primary language(s) on the walls
Provide books & resources in L1 when available
Encourage translanguaging and the full use of students’ language repertoire
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