You made it! Enjoy the long weekend and beautiful Spring weather.
DID YOU KNOW:- that learners will get to take their iPad home during the summer to continue with digital learning on iStation, Dreambox, and other programs?
- audits from the district level will continue to evaluate if staff are wearing their badges and closing doors? Please let's work at 100% compliance.
- we need interested people to help on our interview team? If you are interested in participating on this team, please email LAH so that we can go through CISD Interview Team Training (required each year).
- Natalie has her S'more updated?
- that your flex hours are due by April 30? It is required that you either completed the TCU Trauma course or the Trauma Informed Care course. Please check to make sure you have it posted in your Strive PL account. There is time after school on 4/7 and 4/14 to get this done if you have not, already completed it.
- we have ordered two student rocking chairs (2 small for K-2 classes and 2 larger for 3-5) for every classroom for next school year. These are not part of our storm damage replacements. If you have ideas of furniture you would like for those funds, please email them to CK so we can find approved vendors.
Remember that we have 4th grade F2F learners taking the Writing test on Tuesday. K-2 learners will be remote for this waiver day.
You will get an email on Tuesday morning to send on to parents including our Zoom link for the meeting. Thank you for sending it on! Please remind parents in your newsletters that there is a meeting this Tuesday at 6:00. Last month's participation was down.
The grant window is open for you to apply for up to $700 for your classroom. Please fill out this form for consideration by April 22. Grant awards will be announced by May 6.
PTO is looking for parents to fill open Board positions.
Please share this link with parents to share their interest.
This initiative was designed to encourage teachers, principals and staff to use the power of social media to share with the world the positive and wonderful things that exist in their school. On this day, please take time to tell the world what you love about Lee on twitter using this hashtag and the #IheartCISD hashtag!
Add to your newsletters: CISD has launched an "I Heart CISD Campaign"! If you would like to share why you love our district or our campus, please share your thoughts on this google form.
You will want to begin planning for your Spring Conferences starting now. Please give due diligence to make contact with all parents to review their learner's data and goal setting. Keep documentation of parents who do/do not attend conferences. During your time together, I would encourage you to listen for in case a parent would like to make a change in house for the 2021-2022 school year, wants specialized testing, is considering retention. Please write these requests down and EMAIL them to Chantel and Leigh Ann. This makes sure that we have a second layer of accountability as we transition to the next school year. In addition, remind parents that we DO NOT take requests for house colors or designers and we do our best to have siblings in the same house, but cannot always guarantee it. We do our very BEST to keep as many learners in their house when we loop up, but we sometimes have to move learners when balancing our building each year. Parents WILL be notified by campus administration before Meet the Designer Night, if their learner is being moved. Please ask me if you have any questions!!!
Updates Available
There are updates for iOS and the iWork Applications (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) on both your iPad and MacBook. There is also an update for the Bulb app that includes more publishing options and a few other changes. You and your learners can go to Manager to update the apps and in settings to update your iOS. Remember to do iOS updates at the end of the day, updates can take up to 45 minutes and you will not be able to use your devices while they update.
Upgrading the software on your Vivitek board using the "NT Settings" App
If you are experiencing issues updating your Vivitek board using the “NovoUpgrade” app, this Bulb page has a video that will walk you through using the “NT Settings” app to update your board (look at the bottom of the Bulb page for the video). The "NT Settings" app is a more reliable way to update, and check to see if a board has the current software.
Thank you so much for your effort and flexibility with the yearbook. We had enough pictures and our sales have gone up to 204 as of Thursday morning. I appreciate all that you do for our learners and peers. I came across this video on YouTube and thought you might enjoy it. Check out the bottom right square when the kids come up and enjoy your long weekend.
Key Concepts
Determine key concepts for the unit and define language and content objects for each lesson. Teachers write the key concept for a unit of study in student-friendly language and post it in the room. New learning should be tied to this concept. Additionally, teachers should begin each lesson by writing a content objective on the board. At the end of the lesson, students should be asked if the objective was met. Classroom teachers also need to set language objectives for the ELLs in their class. A language objective might be to learn new vocabulary, find the nouns in a lesson, or apply a grammar rule.
Curiosity- the eager desire to learn, to explore, to investigate
Learn and inquire about things that interest you.
"The future belongs to the curious. The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out." -Anonymous
April 2- NO SCHOOL
April 5- NO SCHOOL
April 6- Ed Foundation Shirt and Jeans
STAAR Writing Day (4th Grade In Person) Remote K-2
Librarian Appreciation Day
Assistant Principal Appreciation Day
Bright Ribbons Book Study (after school)
PTO Meeting (6:00 Zoom)
April 7- College Shirt Day
April 8- Megan's Birthday
Data Meeting (3:15-4:15)
April 9- #lovemyschoolday