Thursday, March 4, 2021

Week of March 8, 2021

You have done your very best this week and we are so impressed by you.  You continue to show what talented and strong ladies you are.  Some of you probably didn't know you were this strong!!!  Thank you for lifting each other and keeping your mindsets positive.  We have ONE MORE WEEK until Spring Break and we've GOT THIS!  

  • that Natalie has updated her S'more?
  • you can leave school if you get a vaccine appointment and it is during the day?  We will do our best to "cover" for each other when this happens so everyone can get their shots in a timely manner.  


It’s no secret that eating a nutritious breakfast helps our learners start the school day on the right track.  Next week, March 8-12, is National School Breakfast Week!  All week long our cafeterias will be featuring new menu items and giving away special prizes to the students who join us for breakfast.  This year’s theme is “Score Big with School Breakfast.” 

Please communicate with parents how your grade will be showcasing learning on Thursday.   

Please remind parents that school releases early on Friday.  My plan is to send you home once all learners are dismissed, unless I hear otherwise from the district.  Please stay tuned on this one.  It is still unclear from Central Office.  I will know more after our all-day Principal's Meeting on Tuesday. 

It is important that we revisit our school supply lists for PTO for next year so that PTO can secure the best pricing from EPI.  Please review, as a grade level, and make any adjustments.  Once your adjustments are made, change the date on your tab to "Your Grade 2021-2022" so we know you are done.  PLEASE do not increase items without taking other items off and also visit lists that are already completed to make sure you are not duplicating house supplies.  The total should be as close to $50 as you can get it.  Please have this done by April 1.

Please share this yearbook information with your FamiLEEs so that they don't miss out on this memory book.  Order deadline is March 22.

PTO is looking for parents to fill open Board positions.  Please share this link with parents to share their interest. 


​The Coppell Education Foundation is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for Superstar CISD educators and employees. The employee must be nominated by other employees or parents. Students at the middle schools may also nominate. Nominations and information can be found in the following links: (nomination form)    (information about the program)


Nominations will be accepted for two weeks from March 1 to 12.  



Resilience is a life skill that all teachers should focus on throughout learners' education careers. To place an emphasis on resilience in the classroom is to realize that creating people who are able to respond to challenges and setbacks is an important goal of education, if not the goal.

In classroom, conversations about resilience can consistently materialize in a number of ways:

  1. Morning meeting discussions about goal setting and perseverance, including recognizing that everyone has something they are trying to overcome.

  2. Sharing stories (through videos and picture books) about people who have experienced great amounts of adversity and who have overcome the odds by accomplishing their dreams.

  3. Lessons on the goal-setting process with weekly written reflections that address what learners did to work on their goals and what they will do moving forward.

  4. Emphasizing critical thinking in lessons that challenge learners to think about concepts at a deeper level so that learners get the opportunity to put resiliency discussions into action.

  5. Learner-led report card conferences where successes, strengths, weaknesses, and goals are discussed by the student.


Use audiobooks

Look for books on CD, Playaways, or podcasts of the stories you are reading in class. If the stories haven't been recorded, set up a tape recorder and record stories as you read. Newcomers will have the opportunity to listen to a story and read along as many times as they wish.

March 8-12- National School Breakfast Week
March 9- Ed Foundation Shirt and Jeans
March 10- Staff Meeting Cancelled- enjoy the gift of time!
March 11- Virtual Open House 
March 12- Early Release 12:30
March 15-19- SPRING BREAK
March 14- Maria's Birthday
March 15- Linda's Birthday
March 18- Claudia's Birthday
March 19- Hannah H's Birthday

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