Thursday, December 3, 2020

Week of December 7, 2020

We hope you are looking forward to another week of fun from your Gnome Girls Leigh Ann and I.  It is SO MUCH FUN planning out ways to show you how much we love you!  If you didn't make it to the lounge for any "projects" or want extras to do with your family at home, we have plenty. Just let us know!!  I will be out on Friday.  I am taking a personal day, so please let Leigh Ann know if you need ANYthing.

  • our garden is thriving? Thank you to so many of your for being open to join Keiko when there are harvest times. We were so excited to harvest cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, kale, garlic and MORE this week! There will be more opportunities to work in the garden with Keiko next week.
  • Social Spurs is still accepting donations and the optional Secret Santa forms are due on Friday?
  • we will announce our Teacher of the Year on Wednesday, at 3:15, on the outdoor learning pavilion?  I'm letting you all know, now, because pictures will be taken of many of you.  There will be snacks provided for celebration, so please plan to attend. 
  • December 11 is going to be a Day 6?  Yes, that means Day 6 two days in a row.  We will have a different schedule on the 11th, and our talented Specials Team will communicate it to you so that all have a 45 minute break.  Thank you Specials!! You will need to communicate this to your virtual and face to face learners.
  • you will be getting an email from ParentSquare to set up an account this week? Remember the email is coming and is not a phishing attempt.
  • that we need some of you to update your Vivitek boards in your learning spaces?  Please check and do this before leaving on Friday.  We could use your help with housemates that are absent or have substitutes.  THANK YOU!
  • Natalie has updated her S'more and Angela has too?
  • that we have TWO NEW baby Spurs coming?  Both are in Yellow House!  Congrats to Meghan and Kristina who are BOTH due in June!!  (Please keep this info off social media so they can tell family.)

The office will start updating the Face to Face document as we get information and numbers from the district.

Computer Science Education Week and #HourOfCode are next week! This is a great time to use the coding and robotics resources located in your houses and in our Design and Create studios, while celebrating problem solving and deeper thinking. Check out May's Hour of Code S'more (THANKS MAY!) or the resources curated by the DLCs on the Hour of Code Website. Please use #HourOfCode #CISDCode2Learn in your Tweets!

The cafeteria needs your help to get a count of how many learners will be getting a sack lunch on Early Release Friday.  They need this count by the end of the day, Tuesday, December 8.  There are 2 choices:  PB & J or turkey and cheese sandwiches.  They have also staggered the lunch pick up times.  Please ask your learners and record the count on this link.

We need your help with an upcoming December to Remember day.  Please complete THIS FORM before leaving on Friday so that we can be prepared on December 15.

Our wonderful PTO is sponsoring Thursday's December to Remember activity.  Each of you will have a boxed lunch from MiCocina and dessert from Nothing Bundt Cake.  Thank you PTO!

We are still accepting donations of canned and boxed food.  Thank you for the generous contributions for those less fortunate.

(the donation box is inside our front doors)

Want an authentic writing experience for your learners?  For every letter to Santa receives through Christmas Eve, Macy's will donate $1 to Make-A-Wish, up to $1 million. Need inspiration for your letter to Santa? Let Violet's video explain how your letters make a difference.  If you'd like to participate, please have your kids bring their finished letters in the mailbox in the office by 3:05 Friday, December 11th. You can also have learners send letters digitally by clicking here.  Feel free to use the hashtag #MacysBelieve to promote this event.



We may begin to see more learners returning to school in the third quarter and we need to realize they have not been in a school environment for a while. So here are some tips for classroom management. 

  1. Use normal, natural voice: The students will mirror your voice level, so avoid using that semi-shouting voice. If we want kids to talk at a normal, pleasant volume, we must do the same. You want to also differentiate your tone. If you are asking students to put away their notebooks and get into their groups, be sure to use a declarative, matter-of-fact tone. If you are asking a question about a character in a short story, or about contributions made by the Roman Empire, use an inviting, conversational tone.

  1. Address behavior issues quickly and wisely: Be sure to address an issue between you and a student or between two students as quickly as possible. Bad feelings—on your part or the students’—can so quickly grow from molehills into mountains.

  1. Always have a well designed and engaging lesson: This tip is most important of all. Perhaps you’ve heard that if you don’t have a plan for them, they’ll have one for you. Always over plan. It’s better to run out of time than to run short on a lesson.



One way to have fun with writing is using the Random Emoji Generator Website.  Students can write a sentence fore each emoji that is randomized until completing a paragraph.  Have fun seeing what they come up with.

Hour of Code Week
Dec 7- 3rd Grade and Create Go GNOME Early
Dec 8- CISD Education Foundation shirt day
     Onboarding Meeting (3:15)
Dec 9- Kourtney's Birthday
     Library Curbside Pick Up (11:00-1:00)
Dec 10- April's Birthday
     Kindergarten and Art Go GNOME Early
Dec 11- Julie's Birthday
     Early Release (12:30) for learners

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