THANK YOU for another incredible year at our school. #RJLYEAR2 was the massive success it was because of each and every one of you. Your hard work, dedication, perseverance, and genuine love of children goes unmatched and you are applauded for all that you have contributed to making our school the fine place that it is! I hope you will always remember that you were carefully selected to be here because of the gifts and talents that you possess. Sometimes you already knew them, other times we brought them out of you. The special and unique blessing is that we are each on our own journey, yet we can all reflect back over the last year and see that we are better because of each other.
It will be sad to see some of our famiLEE move on to different paths, however, I feel confident that the bonds, connections, and lessons you have made here will have a positive impact on you in the future. You will forever be a Lee Spur famiLEE member, and we wish you nothing less than the best. Please keep in touch!
Enjoy your THREE DAY weekend as you get ready for the last (sort of) week of school. We know this is the greatest school, with the greatest staff and learners. We only get the learners 187 days, so make the most of these last 3 1/2 with them! THEY ADORE YOU! AS DO I!
OUR GUIDING PURPOSE: We empower learners to positively impact the world by designing learning experiences that promote relationships, risk taking, and collaboration in a flexible environment.
What YOU are doing to do to LIVE out this VISION at Lee?
- that we have a FINAL WALK for 5th graders on the last day of school? Early release is 12:45, so at 12:30, we will ask you to line a path with learners and their backpacks from the cafe around the first floor so that our fifth graders can be recognized by their school. Bring your Kleenex!
- if your learners do not pick up their medication by the last day of school that it will be discarded? Please inform your parents!
- we hired another famiLEE member? Her name is Jessica Stow and she is moving here from Tulsa, OK. She visited Lee today, so some of you had a chance to meet her. She will be teaching 3rd grade in Purple House.
- that iStation will be available to our learners during the summer? It's true!
- Todd has a heartfelt thank you and goodbye blog post to share with you? Check it out here.
- Katie will be in Y4 next year, Alex will be in G2, and Nick will be in R4 and on Leadership Team? These placements are always subject to change, but are current as of today.
Don't forget to turn these in to Bethany before leaving on Friday. They should be in a gallon sized ziploc bag with a rock. THANKS for supporting these families.
Please look here for our Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday schedules. If you have SSI ARDs scheduled, we will have to ask your house to help with coverage on Tuesday. These should be brief!
Please notify your parents if their child is getting an award at Thursday's Spirit Rally. They may want to come and watch them be honored. Learners will get awards from Leedership Council, Citizen of the Year, Spelling Bee, Yearbook Cover, Math Olympiad, Art, PE, Music, Library, and Enrichment.
Want to see our fifth grade graduation on Wednesday afternoon? Tune in here to watch via LiveStream. Thank you, Alli, for setting this up for us.
Please let the cafeteria know on this form if your learners will need a sack lunch on the last day. All learners will eat before we release on Thursday.
Don't forget to sign up here for summer learning in CISD. If you are not able to attend, please make sure you unenroll. Hours earned for this will count towards your 2016-2017 Flex Time. Please remember that when you attend events outside of Lee that you represent our school. Please be respectful of presenters, use technology appropriately, and enjoy learning from others.
Please place these outside Stacey's room if you care to donate.
Tomorrow, Friday, May 27 is the LAST DAY to turn in a check request for remimbursement for the money you earned. Please use approved vendors ONLY.
Success- the gain of something desired or attempted.
Please place these outside Stacey's room if you care to donate.
Tomorrow, Friday, May 27 is the LAST DAY to turn in a check request for remimbursement for the money you earned. Please use approved vendors ONLY.
Success- the gain of something desired or attempted.
"If you want to be successsful, it is just that simple...know what you are doing, love what you are doing, believe in what you are doing," Will Rogers
Never stop improving. Great people are always learning and keep their minds open to new possibilities.
May 30- NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
May 31- Talent Show (8:00-10:00)
House Techno Check-In (3:30)
House Techno Check-In (3:30)
June 1- Talent Show (8:00-10:00)
Techno Check-In
5th Grade Graduation (1:00-3:00)
Cindy's Birthday
Techno Check-In
5th Grade Graduation (1:00-3:00)
Cindy's Birthday
June 2- Spirit Rally (8:00-10:00)
Bring Projector Carts to Broadcast (11:00-1150)
5th Grade Walk (12:30)
Early Release (12:45)
August 8-9- Campus Watson Element Training
Bring Projector Carts to Broadcast (11:00-1150)
5th Grade Walk (12:30)
Early Release (12:45)
August 8-9- Campus Watson Element Training